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Domain Driven API & Data Modelling Built for teams.

Static Diagrams Won’t Scale. Evolving Models Do.

Design, govern, and scale your models with DevOps-driven collaboration.

Save yourself time by reusing interoperable models from the community.

Take a look. You might find something you like:

Model your business with interactive designs and artefacts.

A better process for your team's every task

Capture and use dynamic lifecycles of Classes

Use state machines to drive actions on APIs and enumeration values of properties

Find the right Domains with feedback loops that boost better matches

Better quality, more frequently maintained and popular Domains bubble to the top of search results

Take incremental snapshots of your work

Compare changes and see who was last working on which features in your Domain

Easily manage Semantic Versions of your Domains

Automated inspection of your changes makes it easy to know when you've introduced breaking changes

Search and filter all the Domains in your enterprise

View the forrest, not the trees, and visualise how your enterprise's Domains interact

See exactly where your definitions come from

View the deep import graph of your Domains to see precicely which ones you depend on

Everything you need to get started making awesome data

Not sure? Here's a video that explains almost everything