
version: working

traceabilityEvents Domain

Data Model

Data Model of unece/traceabilityEvents

Data Definitions


An array of Traceability Events as a VC

Property Definition Type
id A unique identifier (URI) assigned to the product passport. May be a UUID URI
@context A list of JSON-LD context URIs that define the semantic meaning of properties within the credential. Text
issuer The organisation that is the issuer of this VC. Note that the "id" property MUST be a W3C DID. Other identifiers such as tax registration numbers can be listed in the "otherIdentifiers" property. CredentialIssuer
validFrom The date and time from which the credential is valid. DateTime
validUntil Unset
credentialSubject VC subject is the transaction event structure Event


This abstract event structure provides a common language to describe supply chain events such as shipments, inspections, manufacturing processes, etc. There are four types of EPCIS event but this is an abstract class representing all common properties of an EPCIS event.

Property Definition Type
id The unique identifier of this event - SHOULD be a UUID URI
processType A human readable name for industry specific process represented by this event. Text
eventTime The ISO-8601 date time when the event occurred. DateTime
action Code describing how an event relates to the life-cycle of the entity impacted by the event. Code (actionCode)
disposition Disposition code describing the state of the item after the event. Code (dispositionCode)
bizStep A business step code drawn from a controlled vocabulary. Code (bizStepCode)
bizLocation A Business Location is a uniquely identified and discretely recorded geospatial location that is meant to designate the specific place where an object is assumed to be following an event until it is reported to be at a different Business Location by a subsequent event. The bizLocation must be a resolvable URI that links to facility information and geo-location data. URI
sensorElementList An array (one for each sensor) of sensor device data sets associated with the event. SensorElement


Transformation represents an event in which input objects are fully or partially consumed and output objects are produced, such that any of the input objects may have contributed to all of the output objects - for example consuming bales of cotton to produce yarn.

Property Definition Type
id The unique identifier of this event - SHOULD be a UUID URI
processType A human readable name for industry specific process represented by this event. Text
eventTime The ISO-8601 date time when the event occurred. DateTime
action Code describing how an event relates to the life-cycle of the entity impacted by the event. Code (actionCode)
disposition Disposition code describing the state of the item after the event. Code (dispositionCode)
bizStep A business step code drawn from a controlled vocabulary. Code (bizStepCode)
bizLocation A Business Location is a uniquely identified and discretely recorded geospatial location that is meant to designate the specific place where an object is assumed to be following an event until it is reported to be at a different Business Location by a subsequent event. The bizLocation must be a resolvable URI that links to facility information and geo-location data. URI
sensorElementList An array (one for each sensor) of sensor device data sets associated with the event. SensorElement
outputEPCList The list of uniquely identified items that are the output of this transformation event - for example a list of individually identified bolts of cloth that are the output of a weaving process. Item
inputEPCList The list of uniquely identified items that are the input of this transformation event - for example a list of individually identified bobbins of yarn that are the input of a weaving process. Item
inputQuantityList The quantified list of product classes that are the input of this transformation event - used when each item does not have a unique identity. for example the weight of raw cotton that is the input to a ginning process. QuantityElement
outputQuantityList The quantified list of product classes that are the output of this transformation event - used when each item does not have a unique identity. for example a count of the bales of cleaned cotton that are the output of a ginning process. QuantityElement


Object represents an event that happened to one or more physical or digital objects - such as an inspection or certification of a product or shipment. The physical objects may be identified either as specific items (eg a unique consignment number) or as a quantified amount of a product class (eg 100Kg of cotton yarn)

Property Definition Type
id The unique identifier of this event - SHOULD be a UUID URI
processType A human readable name for industry specific process represented by this event. Text
eventTime The ISO-8601 date time when the event occurred. DateTime
action Code describing how an event relates to the life-cycle of the entity impacted by the event. Code (actionCode)
disposition Disposition code describing the state of the item after the event. Code (dispositionCode)
bizStep A business step code drawn from a controlled vocabulary. Code (bizStepCode)
bizLocation A Business Location is a uniquely identified and discretely recorded geospatial location that is meant to designate the specific place where an object is assumed to be following an event until it is reported to be at a different Business Location by a subsequent event. The bizLocation must be a resolvable URI that links to facility information and geo-location data. URI
sensorElementList An array (one for each sensor) of sensor device data sets associated with the event. SensorElement
epcList A list of uniquely identified items (eg specific items serial numbers or tagged shipments / packages) that are the focus of this object event. Item
quantityList A quantified list of product classes (eg GS1 GTINs) that are the focus of this object event QuantityElement


Aggregation represents an event that happened to one or more objects that are physically aggregated together (physically constrained to be in the same place at the same time, as when cases are aggregated to a pallet). This event is also used to represent de-aggregation (eg unpacking) when businessStepCode is unpacking.

Property Definition Type
id The unique identifier of this event - SHOULD be a UUID URI
processType A human readable name for industry specific process represented by this event. Text
eventTime The ISO-8601 date time when the event occurred. DateTime
action Code describing how an event relates to the life-cycle of the entity impacted by the event. Code (actionCode)
disposition Disposition code describing the state of the item after the event. Code (dispositionCode)
bizStep A business step code drawn from a controlled vocabulary. Code (bizStepCode)
bizLocation A Business Location is a uniquely identified and discretely recorded geospatial location that is meant to designate the specific place where an object is assumed to be following an event until it is reported to be at a different Business Location by a subsequent event. The bizLocation must be a resolvable URI that links to facility information and geo-location data. URI
sensorElementList An array (one for each sensor) of sensor device data sets associated with the event. SensorElement
parentEPC The unique item identifier that is the result of this aggregation. Typically a packaging ID used in shipments that represents a box/ pallet / container of contained items. Item
childEPCList The list of child items that have been aggregated into the parent (or dis-aggregated from the parent). Maybe a list of package references (eg boxes on a pallet) or may be individual items (eg products in a box). Item
childQuantityList List of quantified product classes that have been aggregated into the parent. Used when the child items do not have unique identifiers (eg 100 Kg of cotton bales) QuantityElement


Transaction represents an event in which one or more objects become associated or disassociated with one or more identified business transactions - such as the purchase / shipment of goods between buyer and seller.

Property Definition Type
id The unique identifier of this event - SHOULD be a UUID URI
processType A human readable name for industry specific process represented by this event. Text
eventTime The ISO-8601 date time when the event occurred. DateTime
action Code describing how an event relates to the life-cycle of the entity impacted by the event. Code (actionCode)
disposition Disposition code describing the state of the item after the event. Code (dispositionCode)
bizStep A business step code drawn from a controlled vocabulary. Code (bizStepCode)
bizLocation A Business Location is a uniquely identified and discretely recorded geospatial location that is meant to designate the specific place where an object is assumed to be following an event until it is reported to be at a different Business Location by a subsequent event. The bizLocation must be a resolvable URI that links to facility information and geo-location data. URI
sensorElementList An array (one for each sensor) of sensor device data sets associated with the event. SensorElement
sourcePartyId The source party for this supply chain transaction - typically the seller party URI
destinationPartyId The destination party for this supply chain transaction - typically the buyer party. URI
bizTransaction The document type representing the trade transaction drawn from the business transaction type vocabulary. Code (documentTypeCode)
epcList The list of uniquely identified trade items included in this supply chain transaction. Item
quantityList List of quantified product classes that are included in this transaction. Used when the trade items do not have unique identifiers (eg 100 reels of yarn) QuantityElement


The association event represents the assembly of child sub-components to create a parent assembled item. For example a desktop computer assembled from power supply, hard drive, and motherboard. The association event is very similar in structure to the aggregation event but is used for physical assembly. An association event may represent a bill of materials used to assemble a product whilst an aggregation event may represent a packing list or items for transport.

Property Definition Type
id The unique identifier of this event - SHOULD be a UUID URI
processType A human readable name for industry specific process represented by this event. Text
eventTime The ISO-8601 date time when the event occurred. DateTime
action Code describing how an event relates to the life-cycle of the entity impacted by the event. Code (actionCode)
disposition Disposition code describing the state of the item after the event. Code (dispositionCode)
bizStep A business step code drawn from a controlled vocabulary. Code (bizStepCode)
bizLocation A Business Location is a uniquely identified and discretely recorded geospatial location that is meant to designate the specific place where an object is assumed to be following an event until it is reported to be at a different Business Location by a subsequent event. The bizLocation must be a resolvable URI that links to facility information and geo-location data. URI
sensorElementList An array (one for each sensor) of sensor device data sets associated with the event. SensorElement
parentEPC The unique item identifier that is the parent of this association. Typically an assembled product ID such as a desktop computer that is built from the associated child components. Item
childEPCList The list of child items that have been assembled to create the parent - for example the power supply or hard drive components of a desktop computer. Item
childQuantityList List of quantified product classes that have been assembled into the parent. Used when the child items do not have unique identifiers (eg brackets and screws used in the assembly of a desktop computer) QuantityElement


The quantity element is used to define the quantity (eg 100 kg of a product class. Used when serialised items are not applicable.

Property Definition Type
productId THe identifier of a product class (as opposed to a product instance) such as a GTIN code for a manufactured product. URI
productName The registered name of the product within the identifier scheme. Text
quantity The numeric quantity of the product class (eg 100 kg of cotton) Numeric
uom The unit of measure for the quantity value (eg Kg or meters etc) using the UNECE Rec 20 unit of measure codelist. Code (UOM)


A specific serialised trade item which is an instance of a more generic product.

Property Definition Type
id The globally unique ID of the product as a URI. Ideally as a resolvable URL according to ISO 18975. URI
name The name of the product class to which the product item belongs. Text


A SensorElement is used to carry data related to an event that is captured one sensor such as an IoT device. Include one sensor property and an array of sensor data values.

Property Definition Type
sensorMetadata Data that describes the physical sensor that recorded the sensor data set. Sensor
sensorReport A list of sensor readings from the given sensor relevant to the traceability event context. SensorData
sensorIntegrityProof An optional reference to a verifiable credential signed by the sensor device or device manufacturer that contains the digitally signed raw data associated with this sensor report. URI


A physical sensor that records a sensor data set.

Property Definition Type
device The device Identifier for the sensor as a URI (typically an EPC) Item
dataProcessingMethod The data processing method used by the sensor - should reference a documented standard criteria as a URI URI


A data point read by a sensor.

Property Definition Type
time the timestamp at which the sensor reading was made. DateTime
sensorType the measurement type of the sensor reading, as a URI reference to a measurement method specification. URI
value the sensor reading Numeric
uom the unit of measure for the sensor reading, drawn from UNECE rec20 code list. Code (UOM)


From unece.untp-core

The issuer party (person or organisation) of a verifiable credential.

Property Definition Type
id The W3C DID of the issuer - should be a did:web or did:tdw URI
name The name of the issuer person or organisation Text
issuerAlsoKnownAs An optional list of other registered identifiers for this credential issuer Party


From unece.untp-core

An organisation. May be a supply chain actor, a certifier, a government agency.

Property Definition Type
id The globally unique ID of the party as a URI, ideally as a resolvable ID. URI
name The registered name of the party within the identifier scheme. Text
registeredId The registration number (alphanumeric) of the Party within the register. Unique within the register. Text
idScheme The identifier scheme of the party. Typically a national business register or a global scheme such as GLEIF. IdentifierScheme
description An optional short description of the party. Text
registrationCountry the country in which this organisation is registered Code (countryCode)
organisationWebsite Website for this organisation URI
industryCategory The industry categories for this organisations. Recommend use of UNCPC as the category scheme. for example - Classification
partyAlsoKnownAs An optional list of other registered identifiers for this organisation. For example DUNS, GLN, LEI, etc Party


From unece.untp-core

An identifier registration scheme for products, facilities, or organisations. Typically operated by a state, national or global authority.

Property Definition Type
id The globally unique identifier of the registration scheme. The scheme should be registered and discoverable from URI
name The name of the identifier scheme. Text


From unece.untp-core

A classification scheme and code / name representing a category value for a product, entity, or facility.

Property Definition Type
id The globally unique URI representing the specific classifier value URI
code classification code within the scheme Text
name Name of the classification represented by the code Text
schemeID Classification scheme ID URI
schemeName The name of the classification scheme Text

Code Tables


Country code list.

Code values for this table can be found here:


The Action type says how an event relates to the lifecycle of the entity being described. For example, AggregationEvent is used to capture events related to aggregations of objects, such as cases aggregated to a pallet. Throughout its life, the pallet load participates in many business process steps, each of which may generate an EPCIS event. The action field of each event says how the aggregation itself has changed during the event: have objects been added to the aggregation, have objects been removed from the aggregation, or has the aggregation simply been observed without change to its membership? The action is independent of the bizStep (of type BusinessStepID) which identifies the specific business process step in which the action took place.

Value Name Description
observe Observe The entity in question has not been changed.
add Add The entity in question has been created or added to.
delete Delete The entity in question has been removed from or destroyed altogether.


Disposition code is a vocabulary whose elements denote a business state of an object. An example is a code that denotes “recalled". The disposition field of an event specifies the business condition of the events objects, subsequent to the event. The disposition is assumed to hold true until another event indicates a change of disposition. Intervening events that do not specify a disposition field have no effect on the presumed disposition of the object.

Code values for this table can be found here:


BusinessStep is a vocabulary whose elements denote steps in business processes. An example is an identifier that denotes “shipping.” The business step field of an event specifies the business context of an event: what business process step was taking place that caused the event to be captured?

Code values for this table can be found here:


UNECE Recommendation 20 Unit of Measure code list.

Code values for this table can be found here:


Document type codes for trade and logistics documents supporting the event such as purchase order, invoice, shipping notification, bill of lading, etc.

Code values for this table can be found here:

Imported Domains

unece / traceabilityEventsv working