version: working
DigitalProductPassport Domain
Data Model
Data Definitions
The Product Passport is a comprehensive data structure that encapsulates various details pertaining to a product, including its identification details, who issued it, batch information, provenance information, circularity information and a set of verifiable product conformity & sustainability claims.
Property | Definition | Type |
@context | A list of JSON-LD context URIs that define the semantic meaning of properties within the credential. | Text |
id | A unique identifier (URI) assigned to the product passport. May be a UUID | URI |
issuer | The organisation that is the issuer of this VC. Note that the "id" property MUST be a W3C DID. Other identifiers such as tax registration numbers can be listed in the "otherIdentifiers" property. | CredentialIssuer |
validFrom | The date and time from which the credential is valid. | DateTime |
validUntil | The expiry date (if applicable) of this verifiable credential. | DateTime |
credentialSubject | The subject of a digital product passport credential is the identified product. | Product |
The ProductInformation class encapsulates detailed information regarding a specific product, including its identification details, manufacturer, and other pertinent details.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | The globally unique ID of the product as a URI. Ideally as a resolvable URL according to ISO 18975. | URI |
name | The registered name of the product within the identifier scheme. | Text |
registeredId | The registration number (alphanumeric) of the entity within the register. Unique within the register. | Text |
idScheme | The identifier scheme for this product. Eg a GS1 GTIN or an AU Livestock NLIS, or similar. If self issued then use the party ID of the issuer. | IdentifierScheme |
serialNumber | A number or code representing a specific serialised item of the product. Unique within product class. | Text |
batchNumber | Identifier of the specific production batch of the product. Unique within the product class. | Text |
productImage | Reference information (location, type, name) of an image of the product. | Link |
description | A textual description providing details about the product. | Text |
productCategory | A code representing the product's class, typically using the UN CPC (United Nations Central Product Classification) | Classification |
characteristics | A placeholder for indusutry / product category specific information. | Characteristics |
furtherInformation | A URL pointing to further human readable information about the product. | Link |
producedByParty | The Party entity that manufactured the product. | Party |
producedAtFacility | The Facility where the product batch was produced / manufactured. | Facility |
dimensions | The physical dimensions of the product. Not every dimension is relevant to every products. For example bulk materials may have weight and volume but not length, with, or height."weight":{"value":10, "unit":"KGM"} | Dimension |
productionDate | The ISO 8601 date on which the product batch or individual serialised item was manufactured. | Date |
countryOfProduction | The country in which this item was produced / manufactured. | Code (countryCode) |
granularityLevel | Code to indicate the granularity of this digital product passport - item level, batch level or product class level. | Code (granularityCode) |
dueDiligenceDeclaration | The due diligence declaration that conforms with the regulations of the market into which the product is sold. | Link |
materialsProvenance | An array of Provenance objects providing details on the origin and mass fraction of components or ingredients of the product batch. | Material |
conformityClaim | An array of claim objects representing various product conformity claims about the product / batch. These can be sustainability claims, circularity claims, or any other claim type within the conformity topic list. | Claim |
circularityScorecard | A circularity performance scorecard | CircularityPerformance |
emissionsScorecard | An emissions performance scorecard | EmissionsPerformance |
traceabilityInformation | An array of traceability events grouped by value chain process. Where actual traceability events are unavailable or carry sensitive information, passport publishers may specify the extent to which the traceability information has been independently verified. | TraceabilityPerformance |
A declaration of conformance with one or more criteria from a specific standard or regulation.
Property | Definition | Type |
assessmentDate | The date on which this assessment was made. | Date |
id | A unique identifier for the declaration. Often this will be an extension of the or But could be a UUID. | URI |
referenceStandard | The reference to the standard that defines the specification / criteria | Standard |
referenceRegulation | The reference to the regulation that defines the assessment criteria | Regulation |
assessmentCriteria | The specification against which the assessment is made. | Criterion |
declaredValue | The list of specific values measured as part of this assessment (eg tensile strength) | Metric |
conformance | An indicator of whether or not the claim or assesment conforms to the regulatory or standard criteria. | Indicator |
conformityTopic | The conformity topic category for this assessment (eg | Code |
conformityEvidence | A URI pointing to the evidence supporting the claim. SHOULD be a URL to a UNTP Digital Conformity Credential (DCC) | SecureLink |
An array of secure links to TraceabilityEvent objects detailing EPCIS events related to the traceability of the product batch. Events are grouped by value chain process (eg "Weaving" in textiles supply chain).
Property | Definition | Type |
valueChainProcess | Human readable name for the industry specific value chain process representing this traceability data set. | Text |
verifiedRatio | The proportion (0 to 1) of materials in this value chain process that have been traced using verifiable traceability event. | Numeric |
traceabilityEvent | A list of secure links to digital traceability events that support this traceability performance statement. May be encrypted for confidentiality purposes. | SecureLink |
From unece.untp-core
The issuer party (person or organisation) of a verifiable credential.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | The W3C DID of the issuer - should be a did:web or did:tdw | URI |
name | The name of the issuer person or organisation | Text |
issuerAlsoKnownAs | An optional list of other registered identifiers for this credential issuer | Party |
From unece.untp-core
An organisation. May be a supply chain actor, a certifier, a government agency.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | The globally unique ID of the party as a URI, ideally as a resolvable ID. | URI |
name | The registered name of the party within the identifier scheme. | Text |
registeredId | The registration number (alphanumeric) of the Party within the register. Unique within the register. | Text |
idScheme | The identifier scheme of the party. Typically a national business register or a global scheme such as GLEIF. | IdentifierScheme |
description | An optional short description of the party. | Text |
registrationCountry | the country in which this organisation is registered | Code (countryCode) |
organisationWebsite | Website for this organisation | URI |
industryCategory | The industry categories for this organisations. Recommend use of UNCPC as the category scheme. for example - | Classification |
partyAlsoKnownAs | An optional list of other registered identifiers for this organisation. For example DUNS, GLN, LEI, etc | Party |
From unece.untp-core
An identifier registration scheme for products, facilities, or organisations. Typically operated by a state, national or global authority.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | The globally unique identifier of the registration scheme. The scheme should be registered and discoverable from | URI |
name | The name of the identifier scheme. | Text |
From unece.untp-core
A classification scheme and code / name representing a category value for a product, entity, or facility.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | The globally unique URI representing the specific classifier value | URI |
code | classification code within the scheme | Text |
name | Name of the classification represented by the code | Text |
schemeID | Classification scheme ID | URI |
schemeName | The name of the classification scheme | Text |
From unece.untp-core
A structure to provide a URL link plus metadata associated with the link.
Property | Definition | Type |
linkURL | The URL of the target resource. | URI |
linkName | A display name for the target resource | Text |
linkType | The type of the target resource - drawn from a controlled vocabulary | Text |
From unece.untp-core
Extension point for commodity specific characteristics like battery capacity, clothing size, etc.
Property | Definition | Type |
From unece.untp-core
The physical site (eg farm or factory) where the product or materials was produced.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | The globally unique ID of the facility as URI, ideally as a resolvable URL. | URI |
name | The registered name of the facility within the identifier scheme. | Text |
registeredId | The registration number (alphanumeric) of the facility within the identifier scheme. Unique within the register. | Text |
idScheme | The ID scheme of the facility. eg a GS1 GLN or a National land registry scheme. If self issued then use the party ID of the facility owner. | IdentifierScheme |
description | An optional short description of the facility | Text |
countryOfOperation | The country in which this facility is operating. | Code (countryCode) |
processCategory | The industrial or production processes performed by this facility. Example | Classification |
operatedByParty | The Party entity responsible for operating the facility.An object structure that uniquely identifies the party within a known party identification scheme. | Party |
facilityAlsoKnownAs | An optional list of other registered identifiers for this facility - eg GLNs or other schemes. | Facility |
locationInformation | Geo-location information for this facility as a resolvable geographic area (a Plus Code), and/or a geo-located point (latitude / longitude), and/or a defined boundary (GeoJSON Polygon). | Location |
address | The Postal address of the location. | Address |
From unece.untp-core
Location information including address and geo-location of points, areas, and boundaries
Property | Definition | Type |
plusCode | An open location code ( representing this geographic location or region. Open location codes can represent any sized area from a point to a large region and are easily resolved to a visual map location. | URI |
geoLocation | The latitude and longitude coordinates that best represent the specified location. Using GeoJSON Point notation. | Point |
geoBoundary | The list of ordered coordinates that define a closed area polygon as a location boundary using GeoJSON polygon notation. | Polygon |
From ietf.GeoJSON
Represents a Point geometry
Property | Definition | Type |
type | Code (Point) | |
coordinates | Coordinates property of type Point3D | Point3D |
From ietf.GeoJSON
Point in 3d space
Property | Definition | Type |
data | Array of decimal values | Decimal |
From ietf.GeoJSON
Represents a Polygon geometry
Property | Definition | Type |
type | Code (Polygon) | |
coordinates | Array of PolygonCoordinates | Point3DWrapper |
From ietf.GeoJSON
Property | Definition | Type |
data | Point3D |
From unece.untp-core
A postal address.
Property | Definition | Type |
streetAddress | the street address as an unstructured string. | Text |
postalCode | The postal code or zip code for this address. | Text |
addressLocality | The city, suburb or township name. | Text |
addressRegion | The state or territory or province | Text |
addressCountry | The address country as an ISO-3166 two letter country code. | Code (countryCode) |
From unece.untp-core
Overall (length, width, height) dimensions and weight/volume of an item.
Property | Definition | Type |
weight | the weight of the product. EG {"value":10, "unit":"KGM"} | Measure |
length | The length of the product or packaging eg {"value":840, "unit":"MMT"} | Measure |
width | The width of the product or packaging. eg {"value":150, "unit":"MMT"} | Measure |
height | The height of the product or packaging. eg {"value":220, "unit":"MMT"} | Measure |
volume | The displacement volume of the product. eg {"value":7.5, "unit":"LTR"} | Measure |
From unece.untp-core
The measure class defines a numeric measured value (eg 10) and a coded unit of measure (eg KG).
Property | Definition | Type |
value | The numeric value of the measure | Numeric |
unit | Unit of measure drawn from the UNECE Rec20 measure code list. | Code (unitOfMeasure) |
From unece.untp-core
The material class encapsulates details about the origin or source of raw materials in a product, including the country of origin and the mass fraction.
Property | Definition | Type |
name | Name of this material (eg "Egyptian Cotton") | Text |
originCountry | A ISO 3166-1 code representing the country of origin of the component or ingredient. | Code (countryCode) |
materialType | The type of this material - as a value drawn from a controlled vocabulary eg from UN Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC). | Classification |
massFraction | The mass fraction of the product represented by this material. The sum of all mass fraction values for a given passport should be 1. | Numeric |
massAmount | The mass of the material component. | Measure |
recycledAmount | Mass fraction of this material that is recycled (eg 50% recycled Lithium) | Numeric |
hazardous | Indicates whether this material is hazardous. If true then the materialSafetyInformation property must be present | Indicator |
symbol | Based 64 encoded binary used to represent a visual symbol for a given material. | Binary |
materialSafetyInformation | Reference to further information about safe handling of this hazardous material (for example a link to a material safety data sheet) | Link |
From unece.untp-core
High level circularity information about this product. Note that this does not substitute for detailed product circularity data sheet (PCDS) criteria which would be represented as a self-issued UNTP Digital Conformity Credential as a set of assessments against individual ISO PCDS criteria.
Property | Definition | Type |
recyclingInformation | A URI pointing to recycling information for the product. | Link |
repairInformation | A URI pointing to repair instructions for this product. | Link |
recyclableContent | The fraction of the this product (my mass) that has been designed to be recyclable / re-usable. This will be be the total fraction that can avoid waste / landfill. | Decimal |
recycledContent | The fraction (by mass) of recycled / repurposed, repaired content in this product. This will be the total virgin content fraction. | Decimal |
utilityFactor | An indicator of durability defined as the lifetime (typically measures as usage cycles) for this product divided by the industry average. For example a battery with a 10,000 cycle lifetime where industry average is 5,000 cycles will have a durability factor of 2. If unknown set to 1 or omit. | Decimal |
materialCircularityIndicator | The overall circularity performance indicator for this product. Calculated as 1 - (V+W)/2D where - V = Virgin material proportion by mass (will be 1- recycled content) - W = Waste leakage proportion by mass (will be 1 - recyclableContent) - D = Utility factor (set to 1 if unknown). | Decimal |
From unece.untp-core
Product specific characteristics. This class is an extension point for industry specific product characteristics or performance information such as clothing size or battery capacity.
Property | Definition | Type |
carbonFootprint | The carbon footprint of the product in KgCO2e per declared unit. | Decimal |
declaredUnit | The unit of product (EA, KGM, LTR, etc) that is the basis for carbon footprint. | Code (unitOfMeasure) |
operationalScope | The operational scope of the emissions performance. Only scope 1 & 2, or including upstream scope 3 (cradle to gate) or upstream and downstream scope 3 (cradle to grave). | Code (operationalScopeCode) |
primarySourcedRatio | The ratio of emissions data from primary sources (ie from supplier / product specific information rather than secondary / industry averages). | Decimal |
reportingStandard | The reporting standard (eg GHG Protocol, IFRS S2, ESRS, etc) against which this product emissions performance is assessed. | Standard |
From unece.untp-core
A standard (eg ISO 14000) that specifies the criteria for conformance.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | A unique identifier for the standard (eg | URI |
name | The name of the standard | Text |
issuingParty | The party that issued the standard | Party |
issueDate | The date when the standard was issued. | Date |
From unece.untp-core
A regulation (eg EU deforestation regulation) that defines the criteria for assessment.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | The globally unique identifier of this regulation. | URI |
name | The name of the regulation or act. | Text |
jurisdictionCountry | The legal jurisdiction (country) under which the regulation is issued. | Code (countryCode) |
administeredBy | the issuing body of the regulation. For example Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water | Party |
effectiveDate | the date at which the regulation came into effect. | Date |
From unece.untp-core
A specific rule or criterion within a standard or regulation. eg a carbon intensity calculation rule within an emissions standard.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | A unique identifier for the criterion within the standard or regulation. For example CO2 emissions calculations for liquid fuel combustion. | URI |
name | A name that describes this criteria. | Text |
thresholdValues | A conformity threshold defined by the specification (eg minimum compressive strength) | Metric |
From unece.untp-core
A specific measure of performance against the criteria that governs the claim. Expressed as an array of metric (ie unit of measure) / value (ie the actual numeric value) pairs.
Property | Definition | Type |
metricName | A human readable name for this metric (for example "Tensile strength") | Text |
metricValue | A numeric value and unit of measure for this metric. Could be a measured value or a specified threshold. Eg {"value":400, "unit":"MPA"} as tensile strength of structural steel | Measure |
score | A score or rank associated with this measured metric. | Text |
accuracy | A percentage represented as a numeric between 0 and 1 indicating the rage of accuracy of the claimed value (eg 0.05 means that the actual value is within 5% of the claimed value.) | Numeric |
From unece.untp-core
A binary file that is hashed ()for tamper evidence) and optionally encrypted (for confidentiality).
Property | Definition | Type |
linkURL | The URL of the target resource. | URI |
linkName | A display name for the target resource | Text |
linkType | The type of the target resource - drawn from a controlled vocabulary | Text |
hashDigest | The hash of the file. | Text |
hashMethod | The hashing algorithm used to create the target hash. SHA-265 is the recommended standard | Code (hashMethodCode) |
encryptionMethod | The symmetric encryption algorithm used to encrypt the link target. AES is the recommended standard. Decryption keys are expected to be passed out of bounds. | Code (encryptionMethodCode) |
Code Tables
Country code list.
Code values for this table can be found here:
Value | Name | Description |
item | serialised item level product passport | |
batch | production batch level product passport | |
model | model / class level product passport. |
Name |
Point |
Name |
Polygon |
UNECE Recommendation 20 Unit of Measure codelist
Code values for this table can be found here:
A high level category scheme for product and facility conformity declarations (claims or attestations)
Value | Name | Description |
---|---|---| | Clean energy | claims supporting clean energy transition |
environment.emissions | GHG emissions | claims supporting GHG emissions reduction |
environment.water | Water usage | claims supporting minimising water usage impact |
environment.waste | Waste reduction | claims supporting waste processing and reduction |
environment.deforestation | Deforestation | claims supporting native forest restoration |
environment.biodiversity | Biodiversity | claims supporting improved biodiversity outcomes |
circularity.content | Circular content | claims supporting the use of recycled content in products | | Circular design | claims supporting product design for circularity outcomes |
social.labour | Fair work | claims supporting labour rights including fair wages |
social.rights | Human rights | claims supporting human rights and anti-discrimination | | Community development | claims supporting local community development | | Safety | claims supporting process and product safety |
governance.ethics | Ethics | claims supporting ethical conduct and corporate governance |
governance.compliance | Regulatory compliance | claims supporting regulatory compliance including taxation and community protection |
governance.transparency | Transparency | claims supporting transparency and traceability |
Hash method code list
Value | Name | Description |
SHA-256 | SHA 256 bit | Secure Hash Algorithm 256 bits |
SHA-1 | SHA 160 bit | Secure Hash Algorithm 160 bits |
Encryption method code list
Value | Name | Description |
none | No encryption | no encryption |
AES | AES encrypted | Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) |
Code list to indicate scope 3 emissions operational boundaries
Value | Name | Description |
None | Excludes scope 3 | Scope 1 & 2 only |
CradleToGate | Cradle to gate | Includes upstream scope 3 only |
CradleToGrave | Cradle to grave | includes full lifecycle (upstream and downstream) scope 3 |
Imported Domains
- [SchemaOrg] - schemaorg/schema:0.0.1
- [gs1] - gs1/vocabulary:0.0.1
- [untp] - unece/untp-core:0.6.0-beta1