
version: working

Data Model of unece/DigitalProductPassport

Data Model of unece/DigitalProductPassport

Data Definitions of unece/DigitalProductPassport


The ProductPassport is a comprehensive data structure that encapsulates various details pertaining to a product, including its identification details, who issued it, batch information, provernance information, circularity information and a set of verifable product confomrity & sistainability claims.

Property Definition Type
@context A list of JSON-LD contect URIs that define the seamntic meaning of prperties within the credential. Text
id A unique identifier (URI) assigned to the product passport. URI
issuer The W3C DID of the Party that issued the verifiable credential. CredentialIssuer
validFrom The date and time from which the credential is valid. DateTime
validUntil The expiry date (if applicable) of this verifiable credential. DateTime
credentialSubject The subject of a digital product passport credential is the identified product. Product


The ProductInformation class encapsulates detailed information regarding a specific product, including its identification details, manufacturer, and other pertinent details.

Property Definition Type
id A linked data URL for the entity (product, facility, or organisation) that is identified by this identifier - eg URI
idScheme the identifier scheme as defined by the registrar that manages the identifier registry. Eg If the identifier scheme is registered with UNTP then this URI can use used to dicsover the resolution method (to get more data) and the verification method (to prove ownership). URI
idSchemeName The identifier scheme name (eg Australian Business Number or GS1 Global Trade Item Number)) Text
idValue The value of the identifier within the scheme (eg 90664869327) Text
productName The model name or number of the product, represented as text. Text
productImage A unique identifier (URI) pointing to an image of the product. BinaryFile
description A textual description providing details about the product. Text
productCategory A code representing the product's class, typically using the UN CPC (United Nations Central Product Classification) Classification
furtherInformation A URL pointing to further human readable information about the product. URI
producedBy The Party entity that manufactured the product. Organisation
serialNumber An array of identifiers representing a specific serialised item of the product. Text
batchNumber Information regarding the specific production batch of the product. Text
productionDate The ISO 8601 date on which the product batch was manufactured. Date
countryOfProduction The country in which this item was produced / manufactured. Code (countryCode)
dimensions The physical dimensions of the product. Not every dimension is relevant to every products. For example bulk materials may have wieght and volume but not length, with, or height. Dimension
characteristics Product specific characteristics. This class is an extension point for industry specific product characteristics or performance information such as clothing size or battery capacity. Characteristic
manufacturedAt The Facility where the product batch was manufactured. Facility
materialsProvenance An array of Provenance objects providing details on the origin and mass fraction of components or ingredients of the product batch. Material
conformityInformation An array of claim objects representing various product conformity claims about the product / batch. These can be sustainability claims, circularity claims, or any other claim type within the conformity topic list. Claim
circularityInformation A URI pointing to information regarding the recycling aspects of the product. Circularity
traceabilityInformation An array of TraceabilityEvent objects detailing EPCIS events related to the traceability of the product batch. SHOULD be provided for any product passport issued at batch or item level. TraceabilityEvent


The SustainabilityClaim class represents specific claims regarding the sustainability of a product, providing details about the metrics, thresholds, and evidences supporting the claim.

Property Definition Type
topic A code representing the topic of the sustainability claim. E.g. environment.deforestation, environment.ghg-emission-intensity, etc.. Drawn from a standard code list. Code (conformityTopic)
standardOrRegulation The standard or regulation against which this conformity claim is made. Expressed as a URI and should match a value in the UN catalogue of reference vocabularies. URI
criteriaReference A URI pointing to the specific criteria within the standard or regulation against which this claim is made. URI
criteriaName A human readable display name that describes this confomrity criteria Text
claimedValues One or more actual measures supporting the claim. For example for GHG emissions there may be a metric for total emissions intensity and also a metric for amount of offsets included. Metric
benchmarkValue A benchmark value against which the claimed value can be assessed. THis could be a value specified by a standard or regulation or could be an industry benchmark. Metric
benchmarkReference A refernce to evidence to support the benchmark value. URI
conformance and indicator (boolean) that expresses whether or not this product has achieved compliance against the criteria. for example, if the topic is environment.deforstation and the criteria is EU.2023.1115 then the product is conformant if it has not touched any facility throughout it's lifecycle that is not deforestation free since dec 2020. Indicator
conformityEvidence A URI pointing to the evidence supporting the claim. SHOULD be a URL to a UNTP Digital COnformity Credential (DCC) URI


The TraceabilityEvent class represents a specific EPCIS event in the traceability chain of a product, including details about the event type and reference.

Property Definition Type
eventReference A URI pointing to the detailed information about the EPCIS event. SHOULD be a URL lik to a UNTP Digital Traceability Event (DTE) URI
eventType A code representing the type of EPCIS event. ObjectEvent, AggregationEvent, TransactionEvent, TransformationEvent, ObjectEvent. Code (eventTypeCode)


The material class encapsulates details about the origin or source of raw materials in a product, including the country of origin and the mass fraction.

Property Definition Type
originCountry A ISO 3166-1 code representing the country of origin of the component or ingredient. Code (countryCode)
materialType The type of this material - as a value drawn from a controlled vocabulary eg - representing organic cotton. Classification
massFraction A numeric value representing the mass fraction of the product represented by this material. The sum of all mass fraction values for a given passport should be 100. Numeric
recycled Indicator is true if this material input is from a recycled source. Indicator
hazardous Indicates whether this material is hazardous. If true then Indicator


High level corcularity information about this product. Note that this doens not substitute for detailed product circularity data sheet (PCDS) criteria which would be represented as a set of conformity claims against individual ISO PCDS criteria.

Property Definition Type
recyclingInformation A URI pointing to recycling information for the product. URI
repairInformation A URI pointing to repair instructions for this product. URI
recyclableContent The percentage of the this product (my mass) that has been designed to be recyclable. Decimal
recyecledContent The percentage (by mass) of recycled content in this product Decimal


Product specific characteristics. This class is an extension point for industry specific product characteristics or performance information such as clothing size or battery capacity.

Property Definition Type


A verifiable credential is a digital and verifiable version of everyday credentials such as certificates and licenses. It conforms to the W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0 (VCDM)

Property Definition Type
@context A list of JSON-LD contect URIs that define the seamntic meaning of prperties within the credential. Text
id A unique identifier (URI) assigned to the product passport. URI
issuer The W3C DID of the Party that issued the verifiable credential. CredentialIssuer
validFrom The date and time from which the credential is valid. DateTime
validUntil The expiry date (if applicable) of this verifiable credential. DateTime


This orgabnisaiotn that is the issuer of the verifiable credential. id MUST be a DID. Other information describes the issuer organisaiton.

Property Definition Type
organisationName The name of the organization or company, represented as a text string. Text
registrationCOuntry the country in which this organisation is registered Code (countryCode)
organisationWebsite Website for this organisation URI
industryCategory The industry categories for this organisations. Recommend use of UNCPC as the category scheme. Classification
otherIdentifiers An optional lsit of other registered identifiers for this organisations Identifier
id The identifier of the issuer of the verifiable credential MUST be a W3C DID. SHOULD be a did:web URI
idScheme remove because did already contains a scheme (ie it is a did:web) Unset
idSchemeName removed because this is defiend to be a DID Unset
idValue removed because the id is the did value. Unset


The Party class represents an entity such as an organization, or a company that manufactured the product.

Property Definition Type
id A linked data URL for the entity (product, facility, or organisation) that is identified by this identifier - eg URI
idScheme the identifier scheme as defined by the registrar that manages the identifier registry. Eg If the identifier scheme is registered with UNTP then this URI can use used to dicsover the resolution method (to get more data) and the verification method (to prove ownership). URI
idSchemeName The identifier scheme name (eg Australian Business Number or GS1 Global Trade Item Number)) Text
idValue The value of the identifier within the scheme (eg 90664869327) Text
organisationName The name of the organization or company, represented as a text string. Text
registrationCOuntry the country in which this organisation is registered Code (countryCode)
organisationWebsite Website for this organisation URI
industryCategory The industry categories for this organisations. Recommend use of UNCPC as the category scheme. Classification
otherIdentifiers An optional lsit of other registered identifiers for this organisations Identifier


An identifier of a party, product, or facility that is defined by an identifier scheme and idenfier value and, optinally, verification evidence

Property Definition Type
id A linked data URL for the entity (product, facility, or organisation) that is identified by this identifier - eg URI
idScheme the identifier scheme as defined by the registrar that manages the identifier registry. Eg If the identifier scheme is registered with UNTP then this URI can use used to dicsover the resolution method (to get more data) and the verification method (to prove ownership). URI
idSchemeName The identifier scheme name (eg Australian Business Number or GS1 Global Trade Item Number)) Text
idValue The value of the identifier within the scheme (eg 90664869327) Text


A classification scheme and code / name representing a category value for a product, entity, or facility.

Property Definition Type
id The globally unique URI representing the specific classifier value - for example is the gloabl URI representing the UN/LOCODE for Sydney Australia. URI
classificationSchemeID Classification scheme - eg URI
classificationSchemeName The name of the classificaiotn schema - eg United Nations Central Product Classification Text
classifierValue classifier value within the scheme - eg "01211" in UN CPC Text
classifierName Name of the classifier - eg "Asparagus" for code "01211" in UNCPC Text


A unique instance of a product class - such as a specific pack of pharmaceuticals. Often part of an identified manufacturing batch.

Property Definition Type
id A linked data URL for the entity (product, facility, or organisation) that is identified by this identifier - eg URI
idScheme the identifier scheme as defined by the registrar that manages the identifier registry. Eg If the identifier scheme is registered with UNTP then this URI can use used to dicsover the resolution method (to get more data) and the verification method (to prove ownership). URI
idSchemeName The identifier scheme name (eg Australian Business Number or GS1 Global Trade Item Number)) Text
idValue The value of the identifier within the scheme (eg 90664869327) Text
productName The model name or number of the product, represented as text. Text
productImage A unique identifier (URI) pointing to an image of the product. BinaryFile
description A textual description providing details about the product. Text
productCategory A code representing the product's class, typically using the UN CPC (United Nations Central Product Classification) Classification
furtherInformation A URL pointing to further human readable information about the product. URI
producedBy The Party entity that manufactured the product. Organisation
dimensions The physical dimensions of the product. Not every dimension is relevant to every products. For example bulk materials may have wieght and volume but not length, with, or height. Dimension
serialNumber An array of identifiers representing a specific serialised item of the product. Text
batchNumber Information regarding the specific production batch of the product. Text
productionDate The ISO 8601 date on which the product batch was manufactured. Date
countryOfProduction The country in which this item was produced / manufactured. Code (countryCode)


The ProductInformation class encapsulates detailed information regarding a specific product, including its identification details, manufacturer, and other pertinent details.

Property Definition Type
id A linked data URL for the entity (product, facility, or organisation) that is identified by this identifier - eg URI
idScheme the identifier scheme as defined by the registrar that manages the identifier registry. Eg If the identifier scheme is registered with UNTP then this URI can use used to dicsover the resolution method (to get more data) and the verification method (to prove ownership). URI
idSchemeName The identifier scheme name (eg Australian Business Number or GS1 Global Trade Item Number)) Text
idValue The value of the identifier within the scheme (eg 90664869327) Text
productName The model name or number of the product, represented as text. Text
productImage A unique identifier (URI) pointing to an image of the product. BinaryFile
description A textual description providing details about the product. Text
productCategory A code representing the product's class, typically using the UN CPC (United Nations Central Product Classification) Classification
furtherInformation A URL pointing to further human readable information about the product. URI
producedBy The Party entity that manufactured the product. Organisation
dimensions The physical dimensions of the product. Not every dimension is relevant to every products. For example bulk materials may have wieght and volume but not length, with, or height. Dimension


A file representing a data snapshot that is used to infomr the conformity assessment.

Property Definition Type
id GLobally unique ID for the binary file - usually it's location as a URL. URI
fileName A name for referenced binary file Text
fileType The type of file, represented as a MIME type. Code (mimeType)


Overall (length, width, height) dimensions and weight/volume of an item.

Property Definition Type
weight the weight of the product Measure
length The length of the product or packaging Measure
width The width of the product or packaging Measure
height The height of the product or packaging Measure
volume The displacement volume of the product. Measure


The measure class defines a numeric measured value (eg 10) and a coded unit of measure (eg KG).

Property Definition Type
value The numeric value of the measure Numeric
unit Unit of measure drawn from the UNECE rec20 measure code list. Code (unitOfMeasure)


The physical site (eg farm or factory) where the product or materials was produced.

Property Definition Type
id A linked data URL for the entity (product, facility, or organisation) that is identified by this identifier - eg URI
idScheme the identifier scheme as defined by the registrar that manages the identifier registry. Eg If the identifier scheme is registered with UNTP then this URI can use used to dicsover the resolution method (to get more data) and the verification method (to prove ownership). URI
idSchemeName The identifier scheme name (eg Australian Business Number or GS1 Global Trade Item Number)) Text
idValue The value of the identifier within the scheme (eg 90664869327) Text
facilityName The name of the facility, represented as a text string. Text
countryOfOperation The country in which this facility is operating. Code (countryCode)
processCategory The idustrial or production processes performed by this facility. Classification
operatedBy The Party entity responsible for operating the facility. Organisation
otherIdentifiers An optional list of other registered identifiers for this facility Identifier


A specific measure of performance against the criteria that governs the claim. Expressed as an array of metric (ie unit of emasure) / value (ie the actual numeric value) pairs.

Property Definition Type
metricName A human readable name for this metric (for example "Tensile strength") Text
metricValue A numeric value and unit of measure for this metric. Could be a measured value or a specified threshold. Measure
accuracy A percentage represented as a numeric between 0 and 1 indicating the rage of accuracy of the claimed value (eg 0.05 means that the actual value is within 5% of the claimed value.) Numeric

Code Tables of unece/DigitalProductPassport


Country code list.

Code values for this table can be found here:


Code values for this table can be found here:


UNECE Recommendation 20 Unit of Measure codelist

Code values for this table can be found here:


A high level category scheme for conformity claims in the digital product passport

Name Description claims supporting clean energy transition
environment.emissions claims supporting GHG emissions reduction
environment.water claims supporting minimising water usage impact
environment.waste claims supporting waste processing and reduction
environment.deforestation claims supporting native forest restoration
environment.biodiversity claims supporting improved biodiversity outcomes
circularity.content claims supporting the use of recycled content in products claims supporting product design for circularity outcomes
social.labour claims supporting labour rights including fair wages
social.rights claims supporting human rights and anti-discrimination claims supporting local community development claims supporting process and product safety
governance.ethics claims supporting ethical conduct and corporate governance
governance.compliance claims supporting regulatory compliance including taxation and community protection
governance.transparency claims supporting transparency and traceability


A code describing the traceability event type - drawn from GS1 EPCIS 2.0

Name Description
aggregation event describing the grouping of products such as placing bales of cotton on a pallet
transformation event describing the consumption of input products to create output products in a manufacturing process such as spinning thread from cotton bales.
object event describing an action on a single product such as an inspection or test
transaction event describing commercial transactions such as the sale of a collection of products from seller to buyer
association event describing the creation of relationships between products such as a bill of material of components in an assembly

Imported Domains

unece / DigitalProductPassportv working