
version: working

DigitalIdentityAnchor Domain

Data Model

Data Model of unece/DigitalIdentityAnchor

Data Definitions


A digital identity anchor is a verifiable credential issued by an authritative register that links a registery member identity to one or more decentralised identifiers owned by the member. Optionally the credential can list one or more scopes that define registration contexts for the member.

Property Definition Type
@context A list of JSON-LD contect URIs that define the seamntic meaning of prperties within the credential. Text
id A unique identifier (URI) assigned to the product passport. URI
issuer The W3C DID of the Party that issued the verifiable credential. URI
type The credential type. Must include the string "VerifiableCredential" and additionally the specific credential type (eg "UNTPDigitalProductPassport") Text
validFrom The date and time from which the credential is valid. DateTime
validUntil The expiry date (if applicable) of this verifiable credential. DateTime
credentialStatus The status of the verifiable credential - must be an object that conforms to the W3C VCDM 2.0 Status object - Text
credentialSubject the credential subject references the anchor identity and list of mapped decentralised identivfiers and scopes. IdentityAnchor


The identity anchor is a mapping between a registery member identity and one or more decentralised identifiers owned by the member. It may also list a set of membership scopes.

Property Definition Type
registeredIdentity The identifier scheme (eg and identifier value (eg 90664869327)for the registered identity. Identifier
registeredName The registered name for the member (eg Pyx Industries) Text
registryEntry the registry entry URL for the given member (eg URI
verifiedDIDList List of W3C Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs) that the registrar has verified are owned by the registry member. URI
registrationScopeList List of URIs the represent the role/scopes of membership for the register. For example URI


A verifiable credential is a digital and verifiable version of everyday credentials such as certificates and licenses. It conforms to the W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0 (VCDM)

Property Definition Type
@context A list of JSON-LD contect URIs that define the seamntic meaning of prperties within the credential. Text
id A unique identifier (URI) assigned to the product passport. URI
issuer The W3C DID of the Party that issued the verifiable credential. URI
type The credential type. Must include the string "VerifiableCredential" and additionally the specific credential type (eg "UNTPDigitalProductPassport") Text
validFrom The date and time from which the credential is valid. DateTime
validUntil The expiry date (if applicable) of this verifiable credential. DateTime
credentialStatus The status of the verifiable credential - must be an object that conforms to the W3C VCDM 2.0 Status object - Text


An identifier of a party, product, or facility that is defined by an identifier scheme and idenfier value and, optinally, verification evidence

Property Definition Type
identifierScheme the identifier scheme as defined by the registrar that manages the identifier registry. If the identifier scheme is registered with UNTP then this URI can use used to dicsover the resolution method (to get more data) and the verification method (to prove ownership). URI
identifierValue The value of the identifier within the scheme Text

JSON Schemas


  "type": "object",
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "properties": {
    "@context": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "A list of JSON-LD contect URIs that define the seamntic meaning of prperties within the credential. "
    "id": {
      "type": "string",
      "format": "uri",
      "description": "A unique identifier (URI) assigned to the product passport."
    "issuer": {
      "type": "string",
      "format": "uri",
      "description": "The W3C DID of the Party that issued the verifiable credential."
    "type": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "string"
      "description": "The credential type.  Must include the string \"VerifiableCredential\" and additionally the specific credential type (eg \"UNTPDigitalProductPassport\")"
    "validFrom": {
      "type": "string",
      "format": "date-time",
      "description": "The date and time from which the credential is valid."
    "validUntil": {
      "type": "string",
      "format": "date-time",
      "description": "The expiry date (if applicable) of this verifiable credential."
    "credentialStatus": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "The status of the verifiable credential - must be an object that conforms to the W3C VCDM 2.0 Status object - "
    "credentialSubject": {
      "$ref": "#/$defs/IdentityAnchor",
      "description": "the credential subject references the anchor identity and list of mapped decentralised identivfiers and scopes."
  "description": "A digital identity anchor is a verifiable credential issued by an authritative register that links a registery member identity to one or more decentralised identifiers owned by the member. Optionally the credential can list one or more scopes that define registration contexts for the member.",
  "$schema": "",
  "$defs": {
    "IdentityAnchor": {
      "type": "object",
      "additionalProperties": false,
      "properties": {
        "registeredIdentity": {
          "$ref": "#/$defs/Identifier",
          "description": "The identifier scheme (eg and identifier value (eg 90664869327)for the registered identity.  "
        "registeredName": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The registered name for the member (eg Pyx Industries)"
        "registryEntry": {
          "type": "string",
          "format": "uri",
          "description": "the registry entry URL for the given member (eg "
        "verifiedDIDList": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "uri"
          "description": "List of W3C Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs) that the registrar has verified are owned by the registry member. "
        "registrationScopeList": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "uri"
          "description": "List of URIs the represent the role/scopes of membership for the register. For example  "
      "description": "The identity anchor is a mapping between a registery member identity and one or more decentralised identifiers owned by the member. It may also list a set of membership scopes."
    "Identifier": {
      "type": "object",
      "additionalProperties": false,
      "properties": {
        "identifierScheme": {
          "type": "string",
          "format": "uri",
          "description": "the identifier scheme as defined by the registrar that manages the identifier registry. If the identifier scheme is registered with UNTP then this URI can use used to dicsover the resolution method (to get more data) and the verification method (to prove ownership)."
        "identifierValue": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The value of the identifier within the scheme"
      "description": "An identifier of a party, product, or facility that is defined by an identifier scheme and idenfier value and, optinally, verification evidence "

Imported Domains

unece / DigitalIdentityAnchorv working