
version: 0.2.1

DigitalIdentityAnchor Domain

Data Model

Data Model of unece/DigitalIdentityAnchor

Data Definitions


The Digital Identity Anchor (DIA) is a very simple credential that is issued by a trusted authority and asserts an equivalence between a member identity as known to the authority (eg a VAT number) and one or more decentralised identifiers (DIDs) held by the member.

Property Definition Type
@context A list of JSON-LD context URIs that define the semantic meaning of properties within the credential. Text
id A unique identifier assigned to the identity anchor credential. URI
issuer The organisation that is the issuer of this VC. Note that the "id" property MUST be a W3C DID. Other identifiers such as tax registration numbers can be listed in the "otherIdentifiers" property. CredentialIssuer
validFrom The date and time from which the credential is valid. DateTime
validUntil The expiry date (if applicable) of this verifiable credential. DateTime
credentialSubject The registered identity from the authoritative register that is the subject of this credential RegisteredIdentity


The identity anchor is a mapping between a registery member identity and one or more decentralised identifiers owned by the member. It may also list a set of membership scopes.

Property Definition Type
id The DID that is controlled by the registered member and is linked to the registeredID through this Identity Anchor credential URI
name The registered name of the entity within the identifier scheme. Examples: product - EV battery 300Ah, Party - Sample Company Pty Ltd, Facility - Green Acres battery factory Text
registeredId The registration number (alphanumeric) of the entity within the register. Unique within the register. Text
idScheme The identifier scheme. Examples : Product -, Party -, Facility - IdentifierScheme
registerType The thematic purpose of the register - organisations, facilities, products, trademarks, etc Code (RegistryTypeCodeList)
registrationScopeList List of URIs the represent the role/scopes of membership for the register. For example [""] URI


From unece.untp-core

The issuer party (person or organisation) of a verifiable credential.

Property Definition Type
id The W3C DID of the issuer - should be a did:web or did:tdw URI
name The name of the issuer person or organisation Text
otherIdentifier An optional list of other registered identifiers for this credential issuer Identifier


From unece.untp-core

The ID and Name of an identified entity such as a product, facility, party, standard, etc. If the identifier is a W3C DID then the corresponding DID document SHOULD include a serviceEndpoint of type "IdentityResolver". If the identifier is not a W3C DID then the id property SHOULD be an identity resolver URL.

Property Definition Type
id The globally unique ID of the entity as a resolvable URL according to ISO 18975. ExamplesProduct - Party - Facility - URI
name The registered name of the entity within the identifier scheme. Examples: product - EV battery 300Ah, Party - Sample Company Pty Ltd, Facility - Green Acres battery factory Text
registeredId The registration number (alphanumeric) of the entity within the register. Unique within the register. Text
idScheme The identifier scheme. Examples : Product -, Party -, Facility - IdentifierScheme


From unece.untp-core

An identifier registration scheme for products, facilities, or organisations. Typically operated by a state, national or global authority.

Property Definition Type
id The globally unique identifier of the registration scheme. The scheme should be registered and discoverable from URI
name The name of the identifier scheme. Text

Code Tables


A registry category code.

Name Value Description
Product A product register
Facility A facility register
Business A business register
Trademark A trademark register
Land A land register
Accreditation An accreditation register

Imported Domains

unece / DigitalIdentityAnchorv 0.2.1