version: working
ConformityCredential Domain
Data Model
Data Definitions
A conformity attestation issued by a competent body that defines one or more assessments (eg carbon intensity) about a product (eg batttery) against a specification (eg LCA method) defined in a standard or regulation.
Property | Definition | Type |
@context | A list of JSON-LD context URIs that define the semantic meaning of properties within the credential. | Text |
id | A unique identifier (URI) assigned to the product passport. May be a UUID | URI |
issuer | The organisation that is the issuer of this VC. Note that the "id" property MUST be a W3C DID. Other identifiers such as tax registration numbers can be listed in the "otherIdentifiers" property. | CredentialIssuer |
validFrom | The date and time from which the credential is valid. | DateTime |
validUntil | The expiry date (if applicable) of this verifiable credential. | DateTime |
credentialSubject | The conformity attestation is the subject of the verifiable credential. | ConformityAttestation |
A conformity attestation issued by a competent body that defines one or more assessments (eg carbon intensity) about a product (eg battery) against a specification (eg LCA method) defined in a standard or regulation.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | The globally unique ID of this conformity attestation. | URI |
name | A human readable description of this conformity attestation | Text |
assessorLevel | Assurance code pertaining to assessor (relation to the object under assessment) | Code (assessorLevelCode) |
assessmentLevel | Assurance pertaining to assessment (any authority or support for the assessment process) | Code (assessmentLevelCode) |
attestationType | The type of criterion (optional or mandatory). | Code (attestationTypeCode) |
description | A textual description of the scope or purpose of this conformity attestation | Text |
issuedToParty | The party to whom the conformity attestation was issued. | Party |
authorisation | The authority under which a conformity claim is issued. For example a national accreditation authority may authorise a test lab to issue test certificates about a product against a standard. | Endorsement |
conformityCertificate | A reference to the human / printable version of this conformity attestation - typically represented as a PDF document. The document may have more details than are represented in the digital attestation. | SecureLink |
auditableEvidence | Auditable evidence supporting this assessment such as raw measurements, supporting documents. This is usually private data and would normally be encrypted. | SecureLink |
scope | The scheme(s) under which this conformity assesment is issued. | ConformityAssessmentScheme |
assessment | The list of specific assessments made within this conformity attestation. | ConformityAssessment |
A formal governance scheme under which this attestation is issued (eg ACRS structural steel certification)
Property | Definition | Type |
id | A unique identifier for the standard (eg | URI |
name | The name of the standard | Text |
issuingParty | The party that issued the standard | Party |
issueDate | The date when the standard was issued. | Date |
trustmark | The trust mark that represents the conformity assessment scheme. | BinaryFile |
A specific assessment about the product or facility against a specific specification. Eg the carbon intensity of a given product or batch.
Property | Definition | Type |
assessmentDate | The date on which this assessment was made. | Date |
id | A unique identifier for the declaration. Often this will be an extension of the or But could be a UUID. | URI |
referenceStandard | The reference to the standard that defines the specification / criteria | Standard |
referenceRegulation | The reference to the regulation that defines the assessment criteria | Regulation |
assessmentCriteria | The specification against which the assessment is made. | Criterion |
declaredValue | The list of specific values measured as part of this assessment (eg tensile strength) | Metric |
conformance | An indicator of whether or not the claim or assesment conforms to the regulatory or standard criteria. | Indicator |
conformityTopic | The conformity topic category for this assessment (eg | Code |
assessedProduct | The list of products that are the object of this conformity assessment | Product |
assessedFacility | The list of facilities that are the object of this conformity assessment. | Facility |
assessedOrganisation | The organisation that is the object of this assessment. | Party |
auditor | The person or organisations that performed this assessment (if different to the issuer of the parent attestation) | Party |
The product which is the subject of this conformity assessment
Property | Definition | Type |
id | The globally unique ID of the product as a URI. Ideally as a resolvable URL according to ISO 18975. | URI |
name | The registered name of the product within the identifier scheme. | Text |
registeredId | The registration number (alphanumeric) of the entity within the register. Unique within the register. | Text |
idScheme | The identifier scheme for this product. Eg a GS1 GTIN or an AU Livestock NLIS, or similar. If self issued then use the party ID of the issuer. | IdentifierScheme |
serialNumber | A number or code representing a specific serialised item of the product. Unique within product class. | Text |
batchNumber | Identifier of the specific production batch of the product. Unique within the product class. | Text |
productImage | Reference information (location, type, name) of an image of the product. | Link |
description | A textual description providing details about the product. | Text |
productCategory | A code representing the product's class, typically using the UN CPC (United Nations Central Product Classification) | Classification |
characteristics | A placeholder for indusutry / product category specific information. | Characteristics |
furtherInformation | A URL pointing to further human readable information about the product. | Link |
producedByParty | The Party entity that manufactured the product. | Party |
producedAtFacility | The Facility where the product batch was produced / manufactured. | Facility |
dimensions | The physical dimensions of the product. Not every dimension is relevant to every products. For example bulk materials may have weight and volume but not length, with, or height."weight":{"value":10, "unit":"KGM"} | Dimension |
productionDate | The ISO 8601 date on which the product batch or individual serialised item was manufactured. | Date |
countryOfProduction | The country in which this item was produced / manufactured. | Code (countryCode) |
IDverifiedByCAB | Indicates whether the conformity assessment body has verified the identity product that is the subject of the assessment. | Indicator |
The facility which is the subject of this conformity assessment
Property | Definition | Type |
id | The globally unique ID of the facility as URI, ideally as a resolvable URL. | URI |
name | The registered name of the facility within the identifier scheme. | Text |
registeredId | The registration number (alphanumeric) of the facility within the identifier scheme. Unique within the register. | Text |
idScheme | The ID scheme of the facility. eg a GS1 GLN or a National land registry scheme. If self issued then use the party ID of the facility owner. | IdentifierScheme |
description | An optional short description of the facility | Text |
countryOfOperation | The country in which this facility is operating. | Code (countryCode) |
processCategory | The industrial or production processes performed by this facility. Example | Classification |
operatedByParty | The Party entity responsible for operating the facility.An object structure that uniquely identifies the party within a known party identification scheme. | Party |
facilityAlsoKnownAs | An optional list of other registered identifiers for this facility - eg GLNs or other schemes. | Facility |
locationInformation | Geo-location information for this facility as a resolvable geographic area (a Plus Code), and/or a geo-located point (latitude / longitude), and/or a defined boundary (GeoJSON Polygon). | Location |
address | The Postal address of the location. | Address |
IDverifiedByCAB | Indicates whether the conformity assessment body has verified the identity of the facility which is the subject of the assessment. | Indicator |
From unece.untp-core
The issuer party (person or organisation) of a verifiable credential.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | The W3C DID of the issuer - should be a did:web or did:tdw | URI |
name | The name of the issuer person or organisation | Text |
issuerAlsoKnownAs | An optional list of other registered identifiers for this credential issuer | Party |
From unece.untp-core
An organisation. May be a supply chain actor, a certifier, a government agency.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | The globally unique ID of the party as a URI, ideally as a resolvable ID. | URI |
name | The registered name of the party within the identifier scheme. | Text |
registeredId | The registration number (alphanumeric) of the Party within the register. Unique within the register. | Text |
idScheme | The identifier scheme of the party. Typically a national business register or a global scheme such as GLEIF. | IdentifierScheme |
description | An optional short description of the party. | Text |
registrationCountry | the country in which this organisation is registered | Code (countryCode) |
organisationWebsite | Website for this organisation | URI |
industryCategory | The industry categories for this organisations. Recommend use of UNCPC as the category scheme. for example - | Classification |
partyAlsoKnownAs | An optional list of other registered identifiers for this organisation. For example DUNS, GLN, LEI, etc | Party |
From unece.untp-core
An identifier registration scheme for products, facilities, or organisations. Typically operated by a state, national or global authority.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | The globally unique identifier of the registration scheme. The scheme should be registered and discoverable from | URI |
name | The name of the identifier scheme. | Text |
From unece.untp-core
A classification scheme and code / name representing a category value for a product, entity, or facility.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | The globally unique URI representing the specific classifier value | URI |
code | classification code within the scheme | Text |
name | Name of the classification represented by the code | Text |
schemeID | Classification scheme ID | URI |
schemeName | The name of the classification scheme | Text |
From unece.untp-core
The authority under which a conformity claim is issued. For example a national accreditation authority may authorise a test lab to issue test certificates about a product against a standard.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | Globally unique identifier of an accreditation or authority issued to a conformity assessment body by a regulator or national accreditation authority. | URI |
name | The name of the accreditation. | Text |
trustmark | The trust mark image awarded by the AB to the CAB to indicate accreditation. | BinaryFile |
issuingAuthority | The competent authority that issued the accreditation. | Party |
endorsementEvidence | The evidence that supports the authority under which the attestation is issued - for an example an accreditation certificate. | Link |
From unece.untp-core
A binary file reference including name and file type.
Property | Definition | Type |
fileName | A name for referenced binary file | Text |
fileType | The type of file, represented as a MIME type. | Code (mimeType) |
file | The binary file data encoded as Base64 string. | Base64 |
From unece.untp-core
A structure to provide a URL link plus metadata associated with the link.
Property | Definition | Type |
linkURL | The URL of the target resource. | URI |
linkName | A display name for the target resource | Text |
linkType | The type of the target resource - drawn from a controlled vocabulary | Text |
From unece.untp-core
A binary file that is hashed ()for tamper evidence) and optionally encrypted (for confidentiality).
Property | Definition | Type |
linkURL | The URL of the target resource. | URI |
linkName | A display name for the target resource | Text |
linkType | The type of the target resource - drawn from a controlled vocabulary | Text |
hashDigest | The hash of the file. | Text |
hashMethod | The hashing algorithm used to create the target hash. SHA-265 is the recommended standard | Code (hashMethodCode) |
encryptionMethod | The symmetric encryption algorithm used to encrypt the link target. AES is the recommended standard. Decryption keys are expected to be passed out of bounds. | Code (encryptionMethodCode) |
From unece.untp-core
A standard (eg ISO 14000) that specifies the criteria for conformance.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | A unique identifier for the standard (eg | URI |
name | The name of the standard | Text |
issuingParty | The party that issued the standard | Party |
issueDate | The date when the standard was issued. | Date |
From unece.untp-core
A regulation (eg EU deforestation regulation) that defines the criteria for assessment.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | The globally unique identifier of this regulation. | URI |
name | The name of the regulation or act. | Text |
jurisdictionCountry | The legal jurisdiction (country) under which the regulation is issued. | Code (countryCode) |
administeredBy | the issuing body of the regulation. For example Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water | Party |
effectiveDate | the date at which the regulation came into effect. | Date |
From unece.untp-core
A specific rule or criterion within a standard or regulation. eg a carbon intensity calculation rule within an emissions standard.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | A unique identifier for the criterion within the standard or regulation. For example CO2 emissions calculations for liquid fuel combustion. | URI |
name | A name that describes this criteria. | Text |
thresholdValues | A conformity threshold defined by the specification (eg minimum compressive strength) | Metric |
From unece.untp-core
A specific measure of performance against the criteria that governs the claim. Expressed as an array of metric (ie unit of measure) / value (ie the actual numeric value) pairs.
Property | Definition | Type |
metricName | A human readable name for this metric (for example "Tensile strength") | Text |
metricValue | A numeric value and unit of measure for this metric. Could be a measured value or a specified threshold. Eg {"value":400, "unit":"MPA"} as tensile strength of structural steel | Measure |
score | A score or rank associated with this measured metric. | Text |
accuracy | A percentage represented as a numeric between 0 and 1 indicating the rage of accuracy of the claimed value (eg 0.05 means that the actual value is within 5% of the claimed value.) | Numeric |
From unece.untp-core
The measure class defines a numeric measured value (eg 10) and a coded unit of measure (eg KG).
Property | Definition | Type |
value | The numeric value of the measure | Numeric |
unit | Unit of measure drawn from the UNECE Rec20 measure code list. | Code (unitOfMeasure) |
From unece.untp-core
Extension point for commodity specific characteristics like battery capacity, clothing size, etc.
Property | Definition | Type |
From unece.untp-core
The physical site (eg farm or factory) where the product or materials was produced.
Property | Definition | Type |
id | The globally unique ID of the facility as URI, ideally as a resolvable URL. | URI |
name | The registered name of the facility within the identifier scheme. | Text |
registeredId | The registration number (alphanumeric) of the facility within the identifier scheme. Unique within the register. | Text |
idScheme | The ID scheme of the facility. eg a GS1 GLN or a National land registry scheme. If self issued then use the party ID of the facility owner. | IdentifierScheme |
description | An optional short description of the facility | Text |
countryOfOperation | The country in which this facility is operating. | Code (countryCode) |
processCategory | The industrial or production processes performed by this facility. Example | Classification |
operatedByParty | The Party entity responsible for operating the facility.An object structure that uniquely identifies the party within a known party identification scheme. | Party |
facilityAlsoKnownAs | An optional list of other registered identifiers for this facility - eg GLNs or other schemes. | Facility |
locationInformation | Geo-location information for this facility as a resolvable geographic area (a Plus Code), and/or a geo-located point (latitude / longitude), and/or a defined boundary (GeoJSON Polygon). | Location |
address | The Postal address of the location. | Address |
From unece.untp-core
Location information including address and geo-location of points, areas, and boundaries
Property | Definition | Type |
plusCode | An open location code ( representing this geographic location or region. Open location codes can represent any sized area from a point to a large region and are easily resolved to a visual map location. | URI |
geoLocation | The latitude and longitude coordinates that best represent the specified location. Using GeoJSON Point notation. | Point |
geoBoundary | The list of ordered coordinates that define a closed area polygon as a location boundary using GeoJSON polygon notation. | Polygon |
From ietf.GeoJSON
Represents a Point geometry
Property | Definition | Type |
type | Code (Point) | |
coordinates | Coordinates property of type Point3D | Point3D |
From ietf.GeoJSON
Point in 3d space
Property | Definition | Type |
data | Array of decimal values | Decimal |
From ietf.GeoJSON
Represents a Polygon geometry
Property | Definition | Type |
type | Code (Polygon) | |
coordinates | Array of PolygonCoordinates | Point3DWrapper |
From ietf.GeoJSON
Property | Definition | Type |
data | Point3D |
From unece.untp-core
A postal address.
Property | Definition | Type |
streetAddress | the street address as an unstructured string. | Text |
postalCode | The postal code or zip code for this address. | Text |
addressLocality | The city, suburb or township name. | Text |
addressRegion | The state or territory or province | Text |
addressCountry | The address country as an ISO-3166 two letter country code. | Code (countryCode) |
From unece.untp-core
Overall (length, width, height) dimensions and weight/volume of an item.
Property | Definition | Type |
weight | the weight of the product. EG {"value":10, "unit":"KGM"} | Measure |
length | The length of the product or packaging eg {"value":840, "unit":"MMT"} | Measure |
width | The width of the product or packaging. eg {"value":150, "unit":"MMT"} | Measure |
height | The height of the product or packaging. eg {"value":220, "unit":"MMT"} | Measure |
volume | The displacement volume of the product. eg {"value":7.5, "unit":"LTR"} | Measure |
Code Tables
Country code list.
Code values for this table can be found here:
Code that describes the level of independent assurance of the specific assessment
Value | Name | Description |
Self | Self assessed | self-assessment |
Commercial | Commercial assessment | conformity assessment by related body or under commercial contract |
Buyer | Buyer assessment | conformity assessment by potential purchaser |
Membership | Industry body assessment | conformity assessment by industry representative body or membership body |
Unspecified | No independent assessment | conformity assessment by party with unspecified relationship |
3rdParty | Independent third party assessment | 3rd party (independent) conformity assessment |
Type of authority endorsement of the assessment process
Value | Name | Description |
GovtApproval | Government endorsement | conformity assessment delivered under authority granted by national government |
GlobalMRA | Global mutual recognition agreement | conformity assessment delivered under authority granted by IAF/ILAC signatory body |
Accredited | National accreditation | conformity assessment delivered under an independent accreditation |
Verified | External verification | conformity assessment externally verified |
Validated | External validation | conformity assessment externally validated |
Unspecified | No endorsement. | conformity assessment claiming no external authority or else unspecified |
A code for the type of the attestation credential
Value | Name | Description |
certification | certification | A formal third party certification of conformity |
declaration | declaration | A self assessed declaration of conformity |
inspection | inspection | An Inspection report |
testing | testing | A test report |
verification | verification | A verification report |
validation | validation | A validation report |
calibration | calibration | An equipment calibration report |
IANA multipart media encoding type
Code values for this table can be found here:
Hash method code list
Value | Name | Description |
SHA-256 | SHA 256 bit | Secure Hash Algorithm 256 bits |
SHA-1 | SHA 160 bit | Secure Hash Algorithm 160 bits |
Encryption method code list
Value | Name | Description |
none | No encryption | no encryption |
AES | AES encrypted | Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) |
A high level category scheme for product and facility conformity declarations (claims or attestations)
Value | Name | Description |
---|---|---| | Clean energy | claims supporting clean energy transition |
environment.emissions | GHG emissions | claims supporting GHG emissions reduction |
environment.water | Water usage | claims supporting minimising water usage impact |
environment.waste | Waste reduction | claims supporting waste processing and reduction |
environment.deforestation | Deforestation | claims supporting native forest restoration |
environment.biodiversity | Biodiversity | claims supporting improved biodiversity outcomes |
circularity.content | Circular content | claims supporting the use of recycled content in products | | Circular design | claims supporting product design for circularity outcomes |
social.labour | Fair work | claims supporting labour rights including fair wages |
social.rights | Human rights | claims supporting human rights and anti-discrimination | | Community development | claims supporting local community development | | Safety | claims supporting process and product safety |
governance.ethics | Ethics | claims supporting ethical conduct and corporate governance |
governance.compliance | Regulatory compliance | claims supporting regulatory compliance including taxation and community protection |
governance.transparency | Transparency | claims supporting transparency and traceability |
UNECE Recommendation 20 Unit of Measure codelist
Code values for this table can be found here:
Name |
Point |
Name |
Polygon |
Imported Domains
- [untp] - unece/untp-core:0.6.0-beta1